Tanning Beds and Eye Safety
You might have heard that indoor tanning is a safe alternative to sunbathing, but that is false.
DetailsYou might have heard that indoor tanning is a safe alternative to sunbathing, but that is false.
DetailsWE CAN ALL REMEMBER what it was like to put a baby tooth under the pillow and find a shiny quarter there in the morning. The Tooth Fairy is a prominent figure in the magic of childhood, and it’s fun to look at how cultures have approached lost baby teeth differently throughout history.
DetailsIT’S WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH, which makes it a great time to celebrate a pretty awesome…
DetailsMarch is Workplace Eye Wellness month, so let’s celebrate by taking stock of a few ways to protect our eyes at work!
DetailsIT’S WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH, which makes it a great time to celebrate a pretty awesome lady: Lucy Hobbs Taylor, DDS, the first woman to earn a dental degree in North America.
DetailsGETTING A CANKER sore can mean days of distracting discomfort. Canker sores are…
DetailsRegular eye exams (from an optometrist, not an app) are critical for lifelong healthy vision.
DetailsGETTING A CANKER sore can mean days of distracting discomfort. Canker sores are small, shallow sores that develop on the inside of our lips or cheeks, and they can make it difficult to eat and even talk. Where do these awful ulcers come from and what can we do about them?
DetailsWHAT IS SPIT FOR? It’s a pretty important question in the realm of oral health. We tend…
DetailsMILLIONS OF PEOPLE struggle with dental anxiety, and for many it’s so severe that they…