Teeth-Friendly Halloween Treats
HALLOWEEN IS A TON OF fun every year, and it’s right around the corner! We love the costumes, the decorations, and the…
DetailsHALLOWEEN IS A TON OF fun every year, and it’s right around the corner! We love the costumes, the decorations, and the…
DetailsTHE EXPRESSION “getting long in the tooth” refers to gum recession, but this oral health problem isn’t necessarily connected to…
DetailsTHE EXPRESSION “getting long in the tooth” refers to gum recession, but this oral health problem isn’t necessarily connected to age. Gum recession…
DetailsAT LEAST TWO OUT OF every five children will develop one or more cavity by the time they turn eleven. That statistic makes…
DetailsIF GIVEN THE CHANCE to change something about their smiles, most people would choose to have whiter teeth, and quite…
DetailsIF YOUR DENTIST has recommended you for root canal therapy, you probably have a few questions, especially if this will…
DetailsTHE TOOTHBRUSH HAS CHANGED a lot over the last century, and we consider ourselves very lucky that we don’t have to use…
DetailsTHE DAY YOUR BRACES come off will arrive sooner than you think, but your orthodontic treatment won’t quite be over yet. In order to keep the…
DetailsEMERGENCIES ARE SO MUCH easier to deal with if we’ve prepared for them in advance, and that includes dental emergencies. You might be wondering what you…
DetailsEVERY MEDICATION COMES with a list of potential side effects. Sometimes those side…