Killing Cavities With Silver Diamine Fluoride

Young Dentistry for Children - Colorado Pediatric Dentist -


What Is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a compound that helps prevent the progression of tooth decay until a child is able to tolerate fixing the cavity with an actual restoration. The silver helps fight harmful microbes inside the cavity and strengthens the dentin layer of the tooth, while the fluoride fights tooth decay by protecting the enamel. 

SDF is applied quickly and painlessly during a regular dental visit. After the teeth are dried, and soft cotton is placed around the tooth for isolation, the dentist applies the SDF to the affected teeth with a small paintbrush. A curing light is used to set the material. It is typically recommended no eating or drinking for an hour after SDF application. 


What Are The Benefits Of Silver Diamine Fluoride?

SDF is particularly effective for treating children who have severe early childhood caries, difficulty cooperating for dental treatment, or special needs. Some of the benefits to this technique include:

  • • Painless
  • • Non-invasive
  • • Quick treatment
  • • Cavity and decay prevention
  • • Relief for tooth sensitivity


Our Doctors Recommends Silver Diamine Fluoride

One of our top priorities at Young Dentistry for Children is ensuring that every patient has the right tools they need to keep their teeth healthy, no matter their situation. If you would like to learn more about SDF treatment for your child, please call or email us.


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